Buyer pays, Seller ships item, then buyer files a reverse payment claim. What should seller do?

Need advice. In short, Buyer contracts me about an item I have for sale thru a web forum and pays me. I have phone log and detailed text thread as evidence that its a legit transaction and no hint of fraud. I, the Seller, shipped the item on Thru 9/5/2024 with a target delivery date of Wed 9/11/2024 via FedEx. The buyer files a reverse payment claim on Friday 9/6/2024 stating it was an unauthorized transaction via their bank or CC. I filled out the response on the Paypal form with the backup details and now have to wait many days or months for the investigation. What should I do as the seller? Should I try to cancel the shipment via FedEx before it delivers?…is it even possible? I could lose the item of $380 value and the $90 FedEx delivery charge. Please advise. Thanks
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



An unauthorised transaction means that an account holders Paypal account was hacked and used without their consent by your ?buyer.

If Paypal check IP addresses etc and find in favour of the account holder then of course they are reimbursed.

However you would not lose out either as long as you met ALL the requirements of seller protection, so your best bet is to go and read up on it to make sure you were covered.

But yes do everything you can to stop the item being delivered if that is possible?


Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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