How trustworthy is Ghana


Hello, how trustworthy is anything from Ghana?

I've been told by a friend who moved to Ghana that he has made a small business (me being from Germany) and want to send some of the money to his family. Traditional international bank transfer does not work due to restrictions by Deutsche Bank on all transfers related to Ghana, so he wanted to use PayPal (of course he cannot register it with the new home-nation due to PayPal not working with Ghana). Now of course, a local vendor wants to scam them with the old trick of demanding a steam-card to get the payment through. Known scam, easily debunked.

I've heard a lot about Ghana being generally untrustworthy and known scammers and I have my reason to believe that the friend wouldn't fall prey to them. But at the same time, what if he did become one of them? He told me that Ghana can be a very unforgiving place and bad comes to worse, he might have to "rethink" (make of that what you will, I had to as well).

So my question is: How is the general consensus on Ghana (regardless of relationships, friendships, acquaintances)? Can anything from Ghana be trusted? In general? Case-by-case?

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Paypal is not available or supported in Ghana.

Its against paypal rules to open another countries paypal account to try and bypass those rules.

So if you send the funds they won't be able to withdraw / use them and their paypal account would soon be permanently limited.

Advice is voluntary.
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I see. And any money on that account? Will that be withheld? I mean if you cannot use it, how do you access the money already there? Or transfer it somewhere so you can use it? Proxies would only worsen the situation, I assume.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



If someone has chosen to break paypal rules and open a paypal account from another country then its unlikely they can use or withdraw the funds.

If they were sent using the goods/services option then the 'sender' can open a dispute for non receipt of item which the recipient does not challenge > escalate to a claim and hopefully get their funds back again. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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