I was scammed by an IQ test website called Brainety, please help me to get my money back


I paid for their IQ test certificate for 2,16 euros and then a few days later they illegally and without my consent and participation debited 38,8 euros from my PayPal account and refused to refund the fraudulently debited money. Many of their customers, like me, have been scammed, their complaints can be found everywhere on the internet.
I didn't sign any acknowledgement of payments.
Unfortunately, when I made a small purchase of 2.16 euros from them, I did not realise that I was buying a product from a fraudster who then unauthorisedly set up an automatic debit to my PayPal account. I am asking you to help refund - 38,80 euros that the fraudsters charged my card illegally and without my involvement. In internet and in your HelpCenter  are many claims by other victims of this seller. 
But anyway I used PayPal just because you have security for us. I contacted customer support about this topic, but PayPal closed it. Does this mean PayPal is no longer secure if it ignores so many claims of fraudulent debits from the same seller? Or has PayPal any dealings with this scammer?

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This address is fictitious. Just a mailbox in some house. You can also find pictures of places on Google Earth. It is fictitious, created only for Brainety's deception.
Their real address is within 1 km and you need to find the address O.R.B.I.O W.O.R.L.D ( Write together ) This is their real address. If you want to know what Marius Buzantis looks like (he has glasses). This way you have a complete address and you know exactly where the authorities will find fraudsters, where you need to start writing. Also how he look. Then you check at the activities of the company described above and you can see that they also sell ``Japanese knives''. Again, they are doing a different type of fraud in that scheme. Their whole business is a legal scam.

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Paypal won't solve anything. I myself suggested to paypal that they try to do a test with their training account to see for themselves at what point the fraudsters fraudulently gain access to the monthly payments. I even forwarded all the information to their customer support. None of this helped. It was only under my strong pressure that I started reporting this fraudulent scheme to various institutions. Then also write here what you will do and how to proceed. You can also write to the Internet Fraud Office of the FBI. The American service has a very strong word anywhere in the world and in Lithuania. They have a place to report fraud directly. You see, scammers don't want to lose their gold mine. If they're not sure how far you're willing to go, they'll get back to you and gradually refund your money. I threatened them, you're not going to give me the money back, are you? I will report you here and there and then I reported them. Every week I sent a very elaborate complaint to one institution. Focus on Lithuanian institutions, EU institutions, US institutions, UK institutions. You can also google Bainety scam, fraud, etc. You can find more people who have been scammed and give links to institutions.

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I have had the exact same situtaion, only I only noticed the funds had been taken after 5x payments of £38.80 were taken.

I have contacted Brainety's subsidiary company UAB rebilita and they "kindly" replied, claiming they were willing to help me in any way they can, but claimed Paypal are preventing them from refunding as there is an "ongoing chargeback".

I have then supplied Paypal with copies of this correspondence and although paypal have stated on a recorded call "This is a lie", they are still refusing to resolve the dispute, claiming the payment protection does not cover this. 

And still Paypal are actively facilitating this company to steal peoples money! 

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