PayPal DOES NOT protect payment info

New Community Member
I’m not understanding the point of PP since I’m learning (the hard way) that PP DOES NOT protect your payment method information. I got notice of a charge to a website through my PayPal but I had not made a purchase there. PayPal said they could do nothing, I’d have to ask the merchant for a refund. Lowe’, the merchant, said they could not issue a refund without the order number or phone number associated with the charge. They kept insisting I was fine since they didn’t see any charge on my account with them - right, I didn’t make a purchase, but very real money came out of my bank account THROUGH PP. Now, my bank is telling me my bank account/debit card is compromised because of the fraudulent PP charge. How is that possible if the entire PP purpose is to make purchases and PROTECT your payment info?
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