PayPal Loss Recovery


Why did my money that was waiting to be withdrawn after the 180d limit disappear? It's the money that feeds my family every meal of the day. I'm really looking forward to this money.
Why did paypal transfer it in such an unreasonable way to legalize the loss?
My account is permanently limited for unknown reasons and I don't have any bad reports or disputes from the sender or recipient but it is limited.
and now paypal steals my family's hard-earned money.
Is PayPal still human?
Or just know how to rob other people's hard work

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This is your 4th post on the subject and you have already had your answer.

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and what is the reply? 

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Pay pal has started a new scam by taking money from users whose account is permanently limited and saying it is pay pal lost recovered. 
What does that even mean? Imagine your local bank withdrawing the balance in your account and claiming that you have violated terms and conditions. 
This action by pay pal is illegal. No financial service has the right to take money from a user's account and claim that is to recover losses for breaking their terms and conditions which they did not even tell you how you did that. 
However the financial service might hold money in your account but that is usually an order from a higher authority like the government for an individual who is under investigation. 
I call this new action by pay pal a corporate scam and a lot of people are already suffering. 
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Read the section on ''loss recovery'' in the 'actions we may take' section of Paypals legal user agreement that you agreed to when you opened your Paypal account.

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That is **bleep** you guys have just started something that will only cost cost you more trouble.

you cant possibly just get money from my account and claim that I have violented your terms and condition.

Just so you have already reported you guys to the financial authority in the Philippines for taking my 1000 usd.

and they have given you guy 15 days to resolve the issue with me. 

Imagine your local bank withdrawing the money in your balance and claim that you violate terms. 

You guy are crazy. 

do you think people will just let go of the harm earn money just like that. you should be ready with your legal team because you they will have a lot of work to do this days. 

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