Why does PayPal support fraudulent activities from merchants?


PayPal continues to allow Nebra LTD (AKA PiSupply) to process transactions after scamming thousands of customers for years. Nebra LTD has collected millions through PayPal and refuses to deliver customer orders for years and completely denies any refund requests. Ordered $900 worth of goods on April 16, 2021 and it is now March 16, 2024 and still have yet to receive items or even definitive answer on when. Not only am I and thousands of others at a loss for our purchase prices, while Nebra still conducts business, selling and fulfilling new orders, our loss is even greater as our hardware has been withheld for 3 years, thus adding to profit losses from the hardware we ordered for a specialty reason.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

That's the problem. Not only have I NEVER had success with claims on PayPal. No matter what, paypal does anything to avoid charge backs on behalf of the small consumers. This transaction happened in 2021 and they refuse to do a thing and the company has been saying the same thing since 2021... your product will ship next quarter. Now, the computer hardware I ordered 3 years ago, is completely useless to me and the company refuses refunds even though when I purchased, the refund policy was clearly there. Now, they removed it. No legit company does this. Yet, they still allow a business to do use their services after they've scammed millions of euros from people using their service.
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I fully agree with you! It seems that the system is enabling scammers to take advantage of people.

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