my account was blocked for no reason

There is such a problem, I have a channel on tweets, I am a partner, on the 15th I received my payment, but paypal immediately blocked my wallet, providing them with all statements and screenshots, they blocked my wallet allegedly for some violation, although I did not violate anything

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Everyone who posts on here about being limited always says that they had broken no rules. However Paypal do not ban you for 0 reason. What would be the point? They make far more money from you using your Paypal account than interest on any held money.

You can unfortunately rarely appeal a permanent ban but if you want to try and they will accept your call or message then contact customer services?

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As you can see, I have previously accepted payments to my bank account, I decided to create a wallet, I myself live in Moldova, but my account is created on a British visa. The payment was in the amount of 800$, my personal money, I gave them everything, but they blocked me for nothing, although they were provided with everything they need.

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And there's the reason.....


Paypal is country specific so you have to open a paypal account in the country you reside in and add an address / phone number / bank accounts / cards from within that country.

You should really withdraw any funds / resolve issues / remove cards and bank accounts / cancel any subscriptions and close the old Paypal account before you move countries. If you don't then you may have problems doing so once you have moved and may need to contact customer services for help to resolve things.

You can't use or run another countries paypal account if you are not living in that country. 

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I confirmed my paypal initially, I also wrote to support and they replied that my account is fully verified, at the same time that my documents were accepted, my wallet indicated that I live in moldova.I was blocked not for this reason, but for another, incomprehensible to me, that I allegedly violated their policy.What policy do I want to know?, I just received my money from the twitch platform, from my personal channel where I have a partner.

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They are required to email you when they block you but I didn’t even get a email! I only learned cause I was trying to move money into my PayPal to pay someone
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If you live in Moldova then why do you have a UK registered PayPal account?


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