"your bank declined your electronic funds transfer" i need help


what can i do?

i got this e-mail about 3 times already for 3 different transaction:





"You recently attempted to transfer funds from your bank account.Your bank has declined the funds transfer because your account did not havesufficient funds available. We will automatically re-attempt this transfer in 3business days. Please fund your bank account immediately to ensure this transactioncan be completed.

-----------------------------------Transaction Details-----------------------------------

Transaction Type: Instant Transfer payment to .........









i added a new credit card to my paypal account but dint delete the old one(i couldent find the link to remove it).

i am unable to acces the old one to reload it and it is expired.

i bought some stuff from ebay and paypal used the expire card to try and pay for the items (wich im guesing is why i got the above e-mail)

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