Payment missing from the balance

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Hello all,
I made a payment subscription to a provider over Paypal, the money from the bank was taken but Paypal not only didn't make any payment to the provider, but it's also not showing the payment in my balance.

Can I get some support or what's the issue?


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Hello @peispaniko


Welcome! Thank you for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear a recent transaction hasn't gone quite as you had expected. Is it possible you made the payment as a guest through your debit card? If so, that would account for why you don't see the transaction on your PayPal account. However, I'm unsure why the provider doesn't see the transaction on their end. It is possible the payment was authorized but not captured or completed by the provider or something else went wrong with the transaction. I'd recommend reaching out to our Customer Support teams for assistance if you haven't received any updates by now. 

I hope this able to be resolved!

 - Jon K

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