Prefered Payment Method being Ignored


Recently when making several online purchases my perfered method of payment has been completely bypassed infavor of a secondary method I hardly ever use. I have had nearly a dozen purchases do this, and after the first one I thought it was a fluke, but now I am not sure. I even made sure my to update my payment method incase somehow I **bleep** up. Honestly, if this persists I'd just stop using paypal entirely.

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Hello, today on 22july, Uber payment of £=6.91 was taken from non preferred debit card, while my credit card is the preferred card for payment. Please cancel this payment and take from my preferred card which is a credit card. Furthermore, May you kindly ensure similar reoccurrence doesn't happen in future? Thanks. Regards
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Exactly what happened to me. Picked debit over credit. Doesn't make any sense to me.
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Hello @RethOtto and @Zaheer65 


Welcome to the PayPal Community and thanks for posting!


Sorry to hear about your recent payment which was debited from a wrong payment method. Every time you attempt a payment using PayPal, it goes through a series of filters for possible risk. If the system deems risk, it may temporarily block the payment or change the payment method. This is a standard procedure for all payments processed through PayPal to avoid the risk pattern. 


You can usually cancel a payment that is in a pending status and has a "Cancel" link next to it. If the payment is completed this means the money has already reached the other party, so it can't be cancelled. To get your money back, you'll need to contact the merchant and request a refund. You can learn the steps to request a refund here : How do I get a refund?

Best wishes,


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This has happened to me every time I've tried to change my preferred payment method.  It just happened again today.  Silly me, you'd think I'd learn by now.  If you remove your old preferred payment method from your paypal wallet, it's more likely to work correctly.  

I've previously reached out to support and been told they couldn't change anything because it was a non-fraudulent transaction that was already completed.  Regardless of the fact that my payment instructions were ignored.

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