Accepting money

New Community Member
Anyone can guide me to what to do about accepting money, i cannot connect my debit card because paypal not supported in my country, is there any way to get this money without linking the debit card?
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



If paypal is not supported in your country then you should not be using it.

You have opened a U.S paypal account, if you are not in the U.S then it won't work for you and you would soon be permanently banned.

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But what if I have money available? but my account is limited because of the reason you just said. I can't accept the money, what should I do with the available money then?

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



If the funds can't be accepted then they would show as unclaimed on the senders side and if they are never claimed would return to the sender at 30 days post payment.

Advice is voluntary.
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The payment was sent 1 year ago, did the sender receive the money back because I couldn't accept the available money? But the money is still available to accept on my limited account

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Normally funds are sent back to the sender if unclaimed for 30 days.


Advice is voluntary.
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