Automatic Payment List missing from both website and iphone app


Since this afternoon my list of Automatic payments is missing from both the website and my iphone app.  I called customer service and the representative said she could see my list and had no idea why I could not.  She said she would "ask someone else".  I then tried online chat. He suggested I clear cache, reopen app and try a different browser.  I did all of that and still could not see the list.  That representative also said that he could see my list and thought it was a "technical glitch".  He then said to wait 24 hours and let them know if it came back.  Has this happened to anyone else?  I can't imagine it is going to magically come back and I have many automatic payments set up.  I appreciate any help anyone can give me.  Thak you.

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As of about 5 PM EST the lists are back on both mobile app and website. Glad tech team was able to fix this serious glitch
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I have one account that is auto pay. those payments do not show up on Activity for the year 2023. It shows up for 2022 and 2024. Don't understand...

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