How can i receive a payment for A Zelle account on my Paypal

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My Grandmother will only use Zelle to send money is there a way for her to simply send it to my PayPal card
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I feel like the previous response was a bit confusing. It's pretty simple really, you won't find PayPal listed under banks so just search it. It won't show up but you will be able to select Don't See Your Bank? button. Hit that, then they'll ask for your debit card. Just put your PayPal debit card number and all required info in and it should hopefully work just fine. For me they actually locked me out and I had to call but it was because they said I attempted to put in multiple debit cards. Yes, yes I did cuz I was trying to figure out which one they'd accept but anyway they unlocked it and it was fine. However, do keep in mind that it probably won't happen in a timely fashion. I had to wait a few for it to show on PayPal as pending then had to wait even longer for it to finally go through (I'm talking about an hour or so) I hope this helps anyone having this problem! 🙂
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