If I have a case open against a company, can they send a refund


Hi All,

I have a case open with a company. The part sent dose not look like the part I paid for. So I have opened a case against the company through PayPal, as the company has not answered any of my emails and puts the phone down on me when I try to talk to them on the phone.


So my question is:  They are saying they have tried to refund me, but because I have a case open against them it will not go through.  Is this true or are they lying to me.  As I thought PayPal would let me know that they have tried to make a refund.


Any help on this subject will greatly be appreciated  

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Esteemed Advisor



The whole point of a dispute/claim is that it is resolved IF the seller issues a refund.

So do not close any dispute/claim until resolved.

Advice is voluntary.
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