Is it possible to use the virtual visa linked to PayPal to pay Invoices or not?


Hi there! Is it possible to use the virtual visa linked to PayPal to pay Invoices coming from other PayPal accounts or not?
Because when I try to pay using "Tremendous Visa Reward Card", this message appears:
"Sorry, we can't process this payment. Please contact PayPal Customer Support."

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Has to be a credit visa, also Paypal does not accept virtual/digital cards normally.

Advice is voluntary.
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Maybe not all cards are the same. For example, this card is prepaid, yet it was easily accepted, and I also paid using PayPal through it, but when I make any payment to another PayPal account, the process is rejected.

By the way, one of the conditions of this card is that it doesn't accept transfers, so PayPal may consider paying invoices as transfers. It's really confusing.

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As i said not all cards are accepted. A prepaid card is not necessarily a virtual / digital card.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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