No cancellation option for Pending Payment / Order Placed but canceled (out of stock)


I bought an item and paid it in Paypal, then merchant mailed me that the item is no longet in stock and canceled my order but the payment I made looks pending(order placed). I checked and ther eis no way of canceling it, I am also unable to reach a customer agent, god knows why... When can I get my money back from pending ? and as a second question I am unable to see this pending payment in my Paypal app in the phone I can only see it on the website. Why is that ?

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When you pay a company then it is often pending or awaiting authorisation until that company processes your order and captures the pending payment.

If they don't process the order and capture that payment then the pending status times out at 30 days post-payment and returns back to your funding source.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



When you pay a company then it is often pending or awaiting authorisation until that company processes your order and captures the pending payment.

If they don't process the order and capture that payment then the pending status times out at 30 days post-payment and returns back to your funding source.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Thank you very much!

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Hey there, it has been  2 months, the money hasn't returned there is still no cancel option I wrote to Paypal twice first they said it will be back on 22nd of June now they say 30th. I started to believe that I will not be able to get my money back, any suggestions ?

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New Community Member

Ya I learned today that paypal has no control over stopping scammers or others from taking your money apparently. They let them keep the option of taking your money for a full month before they decide to help you out. 

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