The refund is completed but no money received in account

The Paypal account showing that The refund is completed before one month ago but no money received in my account on both Paypal account and bank account I payed with Mastercard
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If you funded the original Paypal payment to the seller from your bank account or a card then once marked refunded/completed it will automatically go back to that bank account or card.
Normally it can take a few days up to a week to go back to a bank account. Paypal say allow 30 days for a card (1 billing cycle) but its rarely that long.
(Can vary according to country though).

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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hello Malik 277 and kernowlass,

I am currently having the same problem. It has been more than a month since the seller issued a refund to my Paypal account but nothing is showing on my bank account. The bank asked me what exactly I bought (it was from a verified online store of a well known brand) and said that they will check the transaction - that was a week ago. What are my options? Is it possible to do a payment trace to locate the refund?

Thanks for any and all advice.


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