account limit


My name Is Sajid [removed]. I provide SEO services to my clients. I use PayPal for payment but sometimes I have an Issue. This is the Issue
The rest of this month’s funds won’t be available right away
We noticed you’ve made 500,00 € EUR in sales this month. This means that for now, funds from additional sales won’t be available right away.

Please guide me how can I overcome this issue or how can I increase my PayPal Account limit.

This is very urgent for me so Please give a reply quickly.

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That may help in clarifying your limitations.    It may just be that the incoming funds have not yet cleared and are still in transit.  If that link doesn't answer your questions, contact PayPal support directly and ask them for assistance in clarifying the situation.  This is NOT PayPal support, this is user to user support.


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Hello everyone! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I can certainly understand how concerning it must be when your funds are not made available right away. Thank you @Grimreepr for you help on this thread so far. We appreciate your time and assistance!


@sajiddhj, welcome! From what you've described, it sounds like a Reserve as been placed on the funds you receive through PayPal - is that right? If so, here are a couple resources you may find useful:


What are reserves?
Why is my money being held in reserve?


PayPal reviews reserve placements within 180 days of them being placed on an account. Based on the improvements to your business performance, PayPal may be able to remove the reserve from your account or potentially adjust the reserve amount.


I hope that helps!


 - Jon K

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