Where do I find "card activity" to add code?

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                   Help!  The linked card used was invalid.  I received this very odd message after just linking a card. I listed it as a payment. I linked a new card and got a message:

We charged $1.95 to your card. To confirm your card, enter the 4-digit code that appears on your card activity next to the charged amount.

Where is the card activity they are talking about?

They already made a payment.  

They used an old card still in the wallet but no longer in use.  

 How is that happening and where do I add the code for the card I just linked but can't use because of some "card activity"?  How could they make payment with a card that has no money? The old card.


Confirm Visa Debit ••[removed]

We charged $1.95 to your card. To confirm your card, enter the 4-digit code that appears on your card activity next to the charged amount.

Sample card statement


- $x.xx

4-digit code




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New Community Member

I linked card

We charged $1.95 to your card. To confirm your card, enter the 4-digit code that appears on your card activity next to the charged amount.

Where do I find the "card activity" that is being mentioned?


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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



It will show on your card statement OR if you have online banking for that card then you can check quickly on there.

Get the code and then go back to paypal and put in the 4 digit code to confirm ownership of the card.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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