Language problems when using PayPal as a dual app

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On new Android devices, you can make many apps dual, which means that the phone essentialy makes a copy of the same app, thus allowing to login with different accounts.


I have an English account and a German account on PayPal. The reason for this is because when I moved to Germany, their law required specifically to make a PayPal account which abides by some extra legal rules that they have.


I made PayPal a dual app so that I can log in with both my accounts. I logged in to the English account just fine, but upon trying to log into the German one, the app says that there were problems downloading German language files and can't proceed. I can't click on anything in the app, there are no settings, no anything, just a message which indicates the problems with downloading language files and a single button which says "Try again". That's it. No options menu, no anything.


I don't even want the German language files. I am happier if the app is in English. How do I resolve this issue?

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Hello @hrapavarizla


Welcome to the PayPal Community. I'm sorry to hear you've run into some issues logging into the app. Have you tried not using a dual app and just logging into the German account and English PayPal account through the same app? You may also want to delete and redownload the app, then log into the German PayPal account first to see if that changes anything.


If that doesn't work, please reach out to our Customer Support teams for assistance. 


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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