Paypal in 4 declined due to application tied to unusual activity


I got a message, Paypal in 4 declined due to "application tied to unusual activity." I have used Paypal in 4 for a long time with no problems, never late on payments. I'm not sure what this is about and how can I fix issue and how long will it take? There was nothing unusual about the vendor or the transaction. Now Paypal in 4 never comes up for me and I want to be able to use it again. Thanks!

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Hello @snoopyave

Thanks for visiting the PayPal Community, and welcome back! 

I'm sorry you're having difficulty using Pay in 4 with a recent purchase. Whenever you're making a purchase, I recommend ensuring you're logging in from one consistent device with your location services turned on. You can find additional troubleshooting steps for declined payments on our Help Center here. If you receive a Pay in 4 denial, it may take around 30 days for it to show back up again. I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. 

I hope you have a wonderful week!

- Meghan

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