I do not have government-issued tax exemption document

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We are a new charity in Scotland.


Paypal say "We have reviewed your account and unfortunately were unable to complete the process of verifying your identity. We've received your company house registration number, but we also need you to upload a government-issued tax exemption document for your charity."


We cannot provide this. We are a Scottish Charity. OSCR does not issue a certificate of registration when you become a charity. Instead, proof of registration is shown by the charity being entered on the Scottish Charity Register. This is the most up to date information on the charity and is currently updated every working day overnight.

I uploaded this and it was not accepted.

How can I contact Paypal to remove limitations?

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Hello @Sewing2gether and @jin88 


Thank you for writing in the PayPal Help Community and thanks for posting here!


I do understand your concern regarding your account being limited. From time to time, PayPal may request you to provide some extra information about your account to verify the details provided in your account. Here's some information on the documents accepted by PayPal to remove the limitations in your account : What kind of documentation can I provide to remove my account limitation? As you were not able to provide a government-issued tax exemption document for your charity, please contact the support team to help you with what next to done and help you accordingly. 


I hope this information helps you,


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