I got scammed on instagram and I want to refund the money. Please , help me.


Hi , somebody messaged me on instagram that" I am giving away 5000$ as prize but for some fees you need to send 30$ and 70 $ and you will get your money immediately" I did what they say and they did not give this money. I asked them to return but they did not . I have screenshots of messages as proof. Please tell me how can I refund my money back.

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Thanks for trying to help me, but this in "report a problem" site , I can't find problem related to scam. It is either not receiving item or unauthorised payment (hacking stuff) . That's why I do not know which one to choose. In my case item is "5000$ prize" . I do not think it is suitable report for item or unauthorised related problems. Please, can you be more specific in what problem report I should do it ? Thanks in advance !

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