Need Assistance with Fraudulent Transactions

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Hello PayPal Community,

We recently encountered a series of spam transactions on our account, and unfortunately, we have not been able to find a contact form or direct method to address this issue through PayPal. Here are the details:

We received multiple fake orders using various PayPal accounts.
We have identified four fraudulent transactions and need to process refunds for these.
Could anyone guide us on the best way to handle these spam transactions and ensure that the affected clients receive their refunds? Additionally, any advice on how to report this issue to PayPal directly would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support!

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We've received over 40 purchases of same rather "oddball" items, with Express shipping.  All appear to be valid with phone number area codes matching the shipping address and e-mails appear to contain the actual [removed] .  We know these are fraud, since in 25 years, very few of these get purchased, however it's the lowest priced item we offer with most expensive shipping selected.  I notified Paypal of these orders, and was told they are valid...meaning they probably used stolen credit-cards and Paypal actually received the funds.  After my disputes were "cleared" as valid, I refunded all 40 of the purchases.  2 more orders of same item came in again today, both were recognized and refunded instantly.  I'm double checking actual orders with the purchasers to confirm, so this is really a hassle to address.  I'm finding the goal is to request express shipping, hoping the merchant expedites the shipping, then to be notified by the fraud purchases that they want the item re-directed to another address.  Then they claim it was never received, requesting refund from Paypal.  Paypal cannot verify any re-direction of the delivery beyond the original address on the order.  Scammers don't care about the lost item, they want the refund from Paypal, which somehow is being laundered so they can keep the stolen funds.  Paypal is not able to identify the order as fraud, since they do get paid, so the merchant risks losing the shipped item and the payment when refunded. 

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