Random Active card check

I not long got a random Active card check from PayPal in my bank account, does anybody know the reason for this? Has somebody tired to access or has access to my account?
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Hello @Temp20240128Y

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by the PayPal Community! 

I understand you received an active card check notice on your bank account, and I know how concerning that would be. If you've recently made any changes to your card, such as adding a new one, confirming it, or updating an expiration date, the System may have run a check. Around the time a card expires, our System will also try to run a check with the bank to see if it can automatically update the expiration date for you. It doesn't work with all banks, though. 

If none of these scenarios seem to fit what might have happened, I suggest reaching out to Customer Support. They'll be able to review your account to see if our System has completed any recent checks and, if not, determine if the card was used anywhere on PayPal without your authorization. 

I hope this helps and you find that everything is okay! 

- Meghan

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