Sam Ash scam resolution


My husband found out that the Sam Ash Music stores were closing and saw an ad on Facebook to buy equipment at highly discounted prices.  It took him to a website with the Sam Ash logo and he ordered 2 guitars.  It went through PayPal but when the charge came up, it was from a scammer in China.  I called PayPal to let them know not to pay it, but I was told that because it was pending, I would have to wait 7 days and call back.  WHAT!  I'm letting them know that numerous people are buying from the fake site but they won't do anything about it now??  


Buyers beware.  Do not go to a Sam Ash site from Facebook - it a scam!



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Exact same thing happened to me and I feel the same way. Now I will tread even more carefully through cyberspace.

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I'm experiencing the same issue.  When I saw the payment was made to  (I originally copied and pasted the Chinese characters of the "seller" here.  Got an error message that these characters aren't allowed.  Very ironic that PayPal didn't have a problem paying this entitiy; but won't allow me to write it) and not Sam Ash, I contacted PayPal.  I have send them 3 messages about this being a known scam--but they told me I have to wait till May 25 for the 'seller' to respond.  Even more puzzling, PayPal told me to file a case with the FBI; which I did, but PayPal still won't acknowledge that they know this is fraud.  Now the "seller" is sending me fake tracking information.  I hope PayPal doesn't rely on this.  I am really angry with PayPal.  Thers should be a simple resolution to just refund my money.  Anyone have other ideas on how to put pressure on PayPal?

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So sorry to hear this happened to you too as well as everyone else on this forum’s topic. It really sucks. What’s worse is it’s happening everywhere with just about everything. To stay on top and vigilant about not falling for this kind stuff is becoming more and more difficult because the scams are becoming more sophisticated. The reality is in today’s world, sooner or later whether it’s large or small, you or someone you know will get scammed.
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All the digital data reflecting who we are, our interests and our passions is just waiting to be exploited. I wonder how many people who clicked on the fake FB ad had purchased from the real Sam Ash site this year. Did they select the instruments and accessories they knew we wanted or needed based on our skill level, postings on chat forums, videos we posted or watched on IG? Was the fake FB ad and site targeted from an algorithm or AI? How did it squirrel so effectively into our heads?
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I want to file criminal complaints with every governmental investigation agency and hire a lawyer to force Facebook and whoever else is facilitating these actions this be held liable for failing to vet and stop criminal advertisers. AKA THEIVES.
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New Community Member
The same thing happened to me . I call them right away to am still waiting for them to refund me..
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New Community Member
i just fell for it as well , please share resolution progress
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file a dispute with Paypal

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New Community Member

Same 😭 

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New Community Member

Me too.

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