Sam Ash scam resolution


My husband found out that the Sam Ash Music stores were closing and saw an ad on Facebook to buy equipment at highly discounted prices.  It took him to a website with the Sam Ash logo and he ordered 2 guitars.  It went through PayPal but when the charge came up, it was from a scammer in China.  I called PayPal to let them know not to pay it, but I was told that because it was pending, I would have to wait 7 days and call back.  WHAT!  I'm letting them know that numerous people are buying from the fake site but they won't do anything about it now??  


Buyers beware.  Do not go to a Sam Ash site from Facebook - it a scam!



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Esteemed Advisor



Paypal covers you for non receipt of item OR item received but not as described.

They can't cancel payments you have already made as its up to you to risk assess your transactions before you buy from a site.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Yes, they /say/ you are protected, but I've been trying since May to get this same issue resolved through that route (item not received...) to no avail. I've been bounced around on the phone more often than I care to remember, once even being told my case has been processed and I would receive refund, only it never appeared and when I called PayPal back they claim to have no record of what I was told on the prior call!  I'm still trying, but it is super frustrating. I was speaking with a representative trying to explain the issue to her, she gave me 'contact info' for the seller that was the same bogus email address I had already tried (although it is now a well known FRAUD/SCAM - how does PayPal not know this??), so I explained that this was a fraudulent scheme, that it was impossible for me to 'resolve the dispute' with the seller because the 'seller' could not be contacted (in fact, there IS no seller). Finally she blew me off by giving me a government fraud website to contact ( This has been VERY frustrating and totally unproductive, other than wasting my time and raising my blood pressure!

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First I called SAM ASH and they acknowledged the SCAM regarding 90% and Gibson guitars at 129.00


Then I called PAYPAL. I have to wait until the 129 I sent is posted before I can dispute the charge. up to 48hrs

Paypal covers you for scams. I had one a long long time ago. 

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Me too, I paid the same amount to the same scam. Unreal.

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New Community Member
The same thing happened to me, I bought some instruments to help my dad get a job because he is a musician and now I'm afraid that I've wasted my money and won't be able to get it back.
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I hardly ever go on FB and sure enough by coincidence that Sam Ash ad popped up. I knew I had been duped when the payment was made with no tax or shipping costs. Another thing, and I know better, but my eagerness to get the piece of gear I have wanted for a long time got the best of me, was the original price of the item was incorrect. Major red flag! What’s worse is when I went to check the order with the confirmation number with Sam Ash of course it didn’t exist! Once the charge went through the payment was listed to Erik [removed] . I’m trying to keep positive by telling myself it could have been worse. If $129.99 is the cost of a lesson learned I’ll take it and chalk it up to experience. I’m going to report it to the credit card company and PayPal then shut the card down today. Yes, it’s true as other replies have stated, the charge needs to go through before it can be disputed. However making the call sooner than later will still document the complaint early on. Once the charge goes through, which will probably be today anyway, I’ll file the formal complaint. People can say what they want about old cliches, but they’re so spot on; “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true!” In this case it definitely wasn’t and I was scammed!

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My question is should FB be notified and they should take action to either remove this ad or held someone responsible for refund.  Thank you.

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Yes. YES, and they have.. whenever I see those ads come up in my Newsfeed, instantly, I Report Ad as a Fraud SCAM. Only took two-days of my vigilance before they - actually, Rebecca from FaceBook, took action. The scammers have been notified that they are currently under investigation, and will likely have their posts removed and account banned. 


michael s. 

P.S. Saw a Used, 80w, Yamaha guitar amplifier. Made the purchase through PayPal (they usually very good about taking care of their clients regarding bogus purchases), and received a Transaction Number, but no Tracking Information... "Seller has been contacted and PayPal is awaiting response." %^D 

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Post is still up. I got suspicious when I couldn't use the lock screen to login to PayPal. Then, I did a google search for Sam Ash and saw they were having sales...then, I saw a link about a scam in the search return list. I came here and see this is at least 2 weeks now. Why is it that if I say I think Trump's a great guy, I am taken down as soon as I click enter, yet this **bleep** is getting rich with a scam and it's STILL up collecting personal data and payment info with passwords?
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