Unknown SP Two LTD transaction


Has anyone come across SP two LTD?  My daughter was almost in tears this morning after receiving a charge for £4.50.  If she wanted to cancel she had to do it through paypal. I saw that SP Two Ltd had planned to take this out weekly.  My Daughter is adamant that she never signed up to anything like this and doesn't know the company.  She does everything through her phone.  I couldn't find a way to cancel this through her phone app.  She uses biometrics to log in and had forgot her password for the desktop.  After a lot of effort on my part with my desktop I managed to help her.  I think I have managed to cancel the payments for her.

I have a few questions.

Does anyone know of SP Two Ltd and their tactics or come across related scams and have a solution?

Why can a person download the paypal app; create an account through the paypal app and not have full access as within the desktop environment to make changes?

Should palpal offer a service to a company like this?

Here are a few related links.  Looks like they have started again.










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I'm having the same problem. I've sent a message to the citizens advice bureau about it but how did you manage to cancel the payments? What websites did you use? Thanks
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See my updated reply on this thread, I have a goodwill gesture of £4.50 being refunded. 😊 getting somewhere but the fight isn’t over yet!
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Theyd taken £31.50 before my husband queried it with me. On my EE bill!! So I'm trying to get a refund for it. I certainly didnt sign up to Sp2ltd!!
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Hello @judyshadbolt,


Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!


I am sorry to know about the unauthorized transaction on the account. Please report the transactions right away by following the steps in this Help Center Article. Once you report the transactions, our concerned team will investigate and get back to you with the results. Before you proceed, make sure to cancel the subscription, if you find any from this merchant by following the steps from the link. If you need any help or face any issues during the process, kindly reach out to our customer support team through the available contact options on our website so that our advisors can help you accordingly. 


I hope this helps.



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I did that and was told that there wasn't any unauthorized use!
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I had a purchase on my account that I did not make. When I reported the fraudulent activity, I got an email the next day stating there was nothing wrong because the purchase was in line of my usual activity. Thankfully, my Bank noticed that it was not my usual activity and blocked the withdrawal and returned the money to my account. The suggestion that I contact the seller to resolve this is laughable when I did not make the purchase, but it also proves that my complaint was not treated appropriately . I reported this to PayPal so they could be aware and keep track of fraudulent purchases. Obviously, that’s not going to happen since they are treating this as a dispute. I changed my password hopefully that will be sufficient
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New Community Member
How about this, theres a major issue with this scamming merchant many have complained easy way to solve this as its an obvious scammer that had access to your inner workings of paypal since it can authorise without consent, this is a security issue. Ban the merchant, problem solved, I'd suggest do it soon or later before PayPal finds them self in legal woes with releasing personal information
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I'm currently dealing with is problem and I just check with the Unknown SP Two LTD transaction in my account which reach a total of $389.61 AUD which I'm currently panicking with the amount of money on owe. This a problem because I don't touch PayPal since I joined.

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Payments were being made through PayPal. I managed to get into my daughters PayPal account and canceled it there.
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