Trouble receiving money from depop

New Community Member

I just sold my first item on depop and the money does not show up in my paypal at all. I verified my account by adding my bank and relinked it to my depop but I still do not see the money in my paypal account. I know I do not need to verify my account because I already did but still have not received the money. However I only just verified it today. Does that mean I have to wait or should the money already be processed? If I have to wait how long should it take?

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Esteemed Advisor



Are you sure the buyer paid?


Did you receive an email from PayPal acknowledging payment?

Kudos & Solved are greatly appreciated. 🙂
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New Community Member

No but I got an email from depop saying the money would be deposited into my account. Is it possible for depop to think they paid the money but the person not actually do it? Because there is no email from paypal. 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Review this page to troubleshoot:


Check if the email is really from Depop. If payment is sent then you should get an email from PayPal. Double check if you spelled your PayPal email address correctly in Depop.

Kudos & Solved are greatly appreciated. 🙂
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