PayPal To Card 1% Transfer Fee - Is PayPal Charging Me Twice?



Every time I transfer money from PayPal to my Visa Debit card, I get charged a 1% transfer fee, but twice. 

The first charge is on the PayPal page itself. When transferring the funds, the total amount is reduced by 1% and then transferred to my card (screenshot 1).


Then, when the total amount (reduced by 1% due to the fee) is transferred to my card, it gets charged again by 1% directly from my bank account (screenshot 2). 


So the total looks kind of like this when transferring the funds from PayPal to my card (example): Total amount to be transferred from PayPal: 100 EUR - 1% (fee) = 99 EUR -> These get transferred to my card,
Then, when the money arrives, another 1% is taken from the total (99 EUR - 1% = 0.99 EUR)

This can't be a fee charged by the bank, as it clearly states PAYPAL on the details of the transaction, as seen in screenshot 2. I also contacted the bank, and they told me this extra charge was not on their behalf.

I also checked if maybe the total amount (without any reduction) was being transferred first, and then a 1% fee (from that total) was charged by PayPal, but that wasn't the case either. As clearly seen in the screenshots, the actual balance has increased by 596.97 euros (the amount after a fee is already deducted), and then 1% of that 596.97 euros is charged again.

What could be the deal? Is PayPal charging me a 1% fee twice? 


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