Why did the money I send get refunded straightaway?

Why was my payment immediately refunded
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Refunded by a seller/

Refunded by your bank or card?

Refunded by paypal?

Some actual information on where the refund happened would be helpful. 

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Straight back by PayPal an now trying to send smaller amount says recipient can't accept money at this time but she doesn't seem to have any issue her end that she knows of
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Hello @Vixrp87 and @kernowlass

Welcome to the PayPal Community, @Vixrp87, and thanks for starting off with those questions, @kernowlass

If I understand correctly, it sounds like you sent a payment to someone, but it wasn't successful, so it was automatically refunded, @Vixrp87. I'm sorry to hear that happened; I know that would frustrate me. You can find some troubleshooting steps for declined payments on our Help Center here. If the error persists, please she may need to reach out to Customer Support for assistance verifying if her account is successfully set up to receive payments

I hope you can send the money soon! 

- Meghan

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