reporting errors that say "the country you're trying to send to can not receive payment"

I've had my paypal account for 20 years, ten of those being a business account with almost no issues in receiving or sending payments this entire time. In the past month I've received 3 buyers/friends saying they receive errors that say "the country you're trying to send to can not receive payment" when trying to send me money for dinner, goods, etc. I have no idea why this is happening, because when I sent my friend an invoice for her dinner bill she could pay it fine but could not DIRECTLY send me a payment.
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Esteemed Advisor



That is probably because business accounts can no longer receive friends/family payments which is what your friends were probably using?

If you sent an invoice or money request then of course they could pay as that option is a goods/services payment which of course you can receive.  


Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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