Can't pay without credit card

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So, recently i made a purchase using my PayPal wallet balance and it went just fine. I tried again today and at checkout there is no option for me to use the balance i have in my wallet anymore, it forces me to add a credit card.Neither me nor my parents have a credit card, nor am i old enough to pair my personal bank account to my PayPal account, so now my money is stuck in my wallet with no way to get it back. Is there any way to NOT use that credit card option at checkout??? 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Whilst you can use your paypal balance for a while, at some point paypal will want you to add a bank or card to verify that account and act as a back up funding source.

If you are under 18 then be careful as its against paypal rules to own or use a paypal account under 18 and you risk an account limitation.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Thanks, I think I’ll just delete my PayPal account anyways. I have it to be able to pay without a credit card, so it’s pretty much useless.
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