Live running balance on Paypal account


Having a LIVE RUNNING BALANCE on every line of every transaction current and past, viewable instantly, is ESSENTIAL to everyone and that's what Paypal lacks. If Paypal wants to gain more customers they should implement this feature.

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Hello @SunnyDays


Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into some speed-bumps finding your running balance. To view your running balance on the web, you can run an Activity Report with the instructions listed in this Help Center article: How do I view and download statements and reports?

I hope that helps!


  - Jon K

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Paypal does NOT have a LIVE RUNNING BALANCE on every line of every transaction. Please pay attention to the every word in this sentence. Paypal does NOT have that. Please do not claim that you (Paypal) have LIVE RUNNING BALANCE on every line of every transaction, cause you don't. When you do, you post a notification here. Until then, you don't have that kind of feature. It should be right there, without running anything. Open a Paypal account and just like in a bank account the LIVE RUNNING BALANCE on every line of every transaction should be right there.

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