Someone's trying to scam me

New Community Member
A guy on PayPal and Reddit which appears to be the same guy is trying to scam me. I posted a post on Reddit talking about how I'm selling a 50€ Paysafecard and if anyone is interested in buying the card they could pay me via PayPal. After that I got a comment from this guy saying tha he's interested. I told him to add me on Facebook to talk more officially since I'd know their name and they would know mine. This guy gave me female account that seemed a little bit odd, meaning that it was a 5+ year old account with no friends and no more than 10 likes in posts throughout the last 5+ years. Anyways I gave my email to this "female" to send me the money so I could send her the PIN from the card I was selling. "She" sent me 35€ first and I told her to send me 40€ first and then I'd send the card and after that she could pay the rest. Next, I told her to send the proper amount of money if she wanted me to give her the card, then she got scared that I'd scam her and asked for her money back and said that she is no more interested in buying the card. Of course I returned the money but she made a dispute about me and now her money are in escrow and my balance is negative that amount of money. Odd thing is that her PayPal name didn't match her Facebook name at all. In PayPal she had a man name and of course in Facebook a female name. I have all the proof in several screenshots that this guy also owns two different Reddit accounts and one fake Facebook female account while being a man. I also gave my email only to this female on Facebook, I'm saying that because the account that I received the money had a male name as I mentioned before meaning that this male had connection with the female account otherwise he couldn't possibly have my email to send me the money like he did. I have lots of other proofs with my conversation with this guy. And I need help to get a refund but most importantly to get this guy banned from PayPal.
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